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What are the different types of input text fields?

1. Modern Style Input Text Simple but yet modern look of input text fields. Tested and working in Google Chrome, Safari, Safari iOS and Firefox. 2. Input Group :focus-within 3. Material Input Text Fields 4. Jumping Input Text 5. Form Label Show After Input Text Only CSS 6. Notify Me

What is input focused animation?

The CSS Input Focused Animation is a sleek and modern design that adds a touch of interactivity to a simple input field. The code features a field with an input type of text and a placeholder that reads "What's your name?". The input field is styled with a transition property that animates the padding when the input field is focused.

How to add styles to the input field?

We can add the following styles to the input field, Let's explore each of them in detail. The width property adds width to the input field. For example, width: 100%; Browser Output Here, the input field expands to take the full width of the document. The padding property adds space between the input field content and border.

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